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Les set edats

Category: Concert Works

The seven ages is a cantata for choir of mixed voices and accompaniment that was written in 2013

and which premiered in Badalona in the version for choir and symphonic band.

It is a work inspired by a text by William Shakespeare known as "The seven ages of man" ("Les set edats de l'home") from the work As you like it ( As you wish).

The cantata reviews the life journey of people, from birth to death. The music in each chapter illustrates the various stages and accompanies the text to explore feelings, reasoning, anecdotes and experiences of all kinds. While using direct and accessible language, Les seven edats aims to create an emotional experience for both the performers and the audience that receives it.

The seven ages arose from a commitment by Orfeó Badaloní with the Banda Symfònica de Badalona to do a concert together.

But the origin of the score of The Seven Ages goes back to the composer's youth: a monologue by Shakespeare recited in a theater room where English literature was taught at the University from Valencia The cycle of life was certainly a rich enough pretext to justify a cantata on its own. From the tenderness of a baby to the innocence of a child, through adolescent silliness and the feeling of invincibility of youth, through the complexities of maturity and the positive old age of many of the members of the Orfeó. Finally, death is seen from a neutral, placid position. You take stock and understand that it is another part of the cycle of life.

You can find more information and buy the score clicking here.

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